Social Media: How do you leverage social media to raise $40k+ in one day?
Challenge: Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium, a non-profit organization, wanted to raise money to support #AnOtterYear of care for Ellie, their youngest sea otter, on Giving Tuesday. How do you break through the noise of Giving Tuesday on social media to activate your audience to donate in 24 hours?
Solution: Plan a comprehensive one-day social media campaign that both educates the audience and asks them to take action.
"Ana has been a wonderful addition to our team. She takes a smart and analytical approach to projects. Ana’s work products are organized, well written, and thorough. She has taken a proactive approach in our social media community management and is able to put direction and input into action."
- Alicia LaVire, Marketing Director, Shedd Aquarium
I produced 36 Tweets and Instagram posts and scheduled them several times an hour to create non-stop buzz throughout the day.
Each post included:
a tidbit of information about Ellie the otter
the #GivingTuesday and #AnOtterYear hashtags
a clear call to action
a link to the donation page (for tweets)
and an irresistible image, GIF or video to catch the audience’s attention
…Squeezing all of that into 140 characters takes skill!
In one day, Shedd fans donated more than $44,000, which is more than 2x the previous year’s $20,000 goal.
95% of the day’s donations originated from these social media posts and emails.
The social media updates resulted in 450,000 impressions and 22,000 engagements.
Post Highlights: